ESTRADNAYA ZVEZDA HRUSTALNYI LOTOS - Junior Champion of Belarus; Sire: JGRAND CH Mille Bassi Vilfredo Amor (import from Russia Date of Birth: 8.02.2016 Health tests: PDE N/N |
EKSKLUZIVNAYA SHTUCHKA HRUSTALNYI LOTOS - Junior Champion of Belarus; Sire: JGRAND CH Mille Bassi Vilfredo Amor (import from Russia Date of Birth: 8.02.2016 Health tests: PDE N/N |
ELFIYSKAYA PRINCESSA HRUSTALNYI LOTOS- САС; Sire: JGRAND CH Mille Bassi Vilfredo Amor (import from Russia Date of Birth: 8.02.2016 Health tests: PDE N/N |
GRANDIOSE PREMIERE HRUSTALNYI LOTOS - Junior Champion of Belarus; Sire: SUPERGRAND CH, R.CACIB Vensan Valberi s Bul'vara Briosh (import from Russia Date of Birth: 20.07.2017 Health tests: PDE N/N |
EDINSTVENNAYA TSAREVNA HRUSTALNYI LOTOS - Junior Champion of Belarus; Sire: CH Elven Elias Leru s Bul'vara Briosh (Russia Date of Birth: 11.11.2017 Health tests: PDE N/N |
HALVA IN'CHOCOLATE HRUSTALNYI LOTOS - Champion of Belarus; Sire: SUPERGRAND CH, R.CACIB Vensan Valberi s Bul'vara Briosh (import from Russia Date of Birth: 14.09.2020
ULYBKA FORTUNY HRUSTALNYI LOTOS - Champion of Breed Belarus; Sire: SUPERGRAND CH, R.CACIB Vensan Valberi s Bul'vara Briosh (import from Russia Date of birth: 20.08.2020 |
CVETOCHEK ALENKIY HRUSTALNYI LOTOS Sire: SUPERGRAND CH Izumitelnyi Tsvetok Hrustalnyi Lotos (Belarus Date of birth: 9.01.2021 Health tests: PDE N/N by parents |
CHUDESNAYA SKAZKA HRUSTALNYI LOTOS - 2 x BOB pupppy; Sire: SUPERGRAND CH Izumitelnyi Tsvetok Hrustalnyi Lotos (Belarus Date of birth: 27.02.2021 |
SCHEPETILNAYA LADY HRUSTALNYI LOTOS - Junior Champion of Belarus; Sire: SUPERGRAND CH Izumitelnyi Tsvetok Hrustalnyi Lotos (Belarus Date of birth: 14.08.2021 Health: PDE N/N by parents, heart and blood tests without pathologies (2024) |
ISKRA POBEDY HRUSTALNYI LOTOS - 2 x J.CAC; Sire: SUPERGRAND CH & VETERAN CH & R.CACIB, V.CACIB Vensan Valberi s Bul'vara Briosh (Russia import Date of birth: 5.10.2023 |
AMORE MIO MITA BELLA - Junior Champion of Belarus; Sire: JGRAND CH Mille Bassi Vilfredo Amor (import from Russia Date of birth: 23.11.2014 |
LOVE GAME HRUSTALNYI LOTOS - Junior Champion of Belarus; Sire: СН Nochnoe Tango Tsarstvo Zari-Eos (Belarus Date of birth: 24.06.2013 |
UELSKAYA PRINCESSA HRUSTALNYI LOTOS - Junior Champion of Belarus; Sire: JGRAND CH Mille Bassi Vilfredo Amor (import from Russia Date of Birth: 20.01.2015 |